Pete Thornley - Public Art Installations
Arcanum 1.  Public Art Installation, 2000.  
Consists of a series of 17 images documenting the pregnancy of Marie. The photographs were taken every two weeks, Tues 11am, and then printed on to stone, by hand.   They were then positioned in the bell tower of St. Andrews church culminating in the final image of Marie and her baby of 7 days old.  .........Click animation for more Arcanum images.
Funded by the artist and the Tantalus Project.
Monolith.   2001.
Intervention at Fiveways Rugby.  Built and then positioned by stealth at 3.30am, as a tribute to Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clark. Erected on the 6th January 2001 it remained for three days, causing mystification from Rugby Borough Council and great interest from the media.The council removed the piece 9th January 2001.  .........Click animation for larger image.
12 Decades.  Rugby cement tower projection, 2002.
The Cement Works Tower in Rugby is one of the biggest industrial structures in England at 310 meters high. Images of ten local people were projected on the side of the tower. The result was a portrait gallery on an extraordinary scale. The projections were shown on 5 November from 6pm to midnight.  .........Click thumbnail for larger image.
Funded by A rts Council West M idlands.
Transformation. Rugby College, 2003.
Facade with a series of historical and contemporary images.
Size 150m x 30m, using Xenon projectors and sky trackers to complete the three hour show.  .........Click thumbnail for larger image.

Commissioned by Warwickshire College
Black Huel. 2005.
Solid light projection, in collaboration with potter Mark Ilsley.

                        .........Click thumbnail for larger image.

Refugee.   2002 / 5.
The three metre square black metal container with a glass roof.
Etched on to the glass is a quote from John Berger.
The space will evoke empathy, and allow contemplation on the cry for sanctuary.  .........Click thumbnail for more information.

Funded by A rts Council West M idlands.
Henge. Community project, 2005 / 6.  
Is a long term project, working with a community to build a henge on a prominent hill, as part of a walkway. It is in the early stages and can be considered work in progress.
  .........Click thumbnail for larger image.
Shed. 2006.  
'Shed' is a freestanding, 3 metre black cube which the viewers enter, to be confronted with an image and soundscape designed to challenge their visual and aural perceptions and conception of reality. The animations show images created by visitors to the installation.
  .........Click animation for larger image.
Chorus.  2006.  
'Chorus' is a piece created for Rugby Art Gallery, in which guest artists were invited to create a work based on a piece from Rugby's Collection. Pete's work evokes the screaming head, iconically represented by Much, Bacon and others in the 20th Century.
  .........Click animation for larger image.
Rugby Art Gallery Projection.  2006.  
Series of photographic projections by Pete and The Tantaluls Project members, Martin Curly and Martin Wilson, onto Rugby Art Gallery and Museum, for Warwickshire Arts Weeks, 2006.
  .........Click animation for larger image.
Dust and Memory. 2007.
Pete Thornley's images, set to music by Will Carruthers.

    .........Click thumbnail for larger image.

Sentinel. 2007.
Sentinel is a site-specific installation which is designed to evoke memory
and layers of time.

     .........Click thumbnail for larger image.

Floating Light. 2007/8.
A collaboration with acoustic artist Flip Shriner.

   .........Click thumbnail for more information.



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